Rapid7 Announces Keynote Speakers and Open Registration for UNITED Summit

Boston, MA — June 29, 2017

Rapid7, Inc. (NASDAQ:RPD), a leading provider of analytics solutions for security and IT operations, has announced that Nicholas Negroponte, founder of MIT Media Lab and One Laptop per Child (OLPC), and Dan Geer, chief information security officer at In-Q-Tel, will keynote UNITED Customer Summit 2017. 

Now in its sixth year, UNITED is designed to help security and IT professionals protect their environments from new security risks and scale IT operations to meet urgent business needs. With more than 40 sessions, the latest research from Rapid7 Labs, and hundreds of practitioners sharing their stories, UNITED will take place from Sept. 11–14, including two days of trainings, at the Seaport Boston Hotel & World Trade Center.

“We are thrilled to have such well-respected, dynamic keynote speakers with us this year at UNITED and can’t wait for Nicholas and Dan to share their vision and wisdom,” said Carol Meyers, UNITED co-chair and chief marketing officer at Rapid7. 

“Driving valuable conversations within the security and IT communities is a critical part of UNITED. We believe both speakers will help our customers to do just that,” added Stephanie Furfaro, UNITED co-chair and senior vice president of customer success.

UNITED is driven in large part by the Company’s customers, ensuring that content specifically addresses the needs and concerns of the community. Several Rapid7 customers will also speak at the event, participate on panels, and facilitate tabletop exercises. This year, Rapid7 will also honor several customers with awards for demonstrating innovative use of technology, commitment to partnership, and leadership in the security and IT communities.

Further background on UNITED keynote speakers:

Nicholas Negroponte, Founder, MIT Media Lab
Nicholas Negroponte is the co-founder of the MIT Media Lab (1985), which he directed for its first 20 years. A graduate of MIT, Negroponte was a pioneer in the field of computer-aided design (CAD) and has been a member of the MIT faculty since 1966. He gave the first TED talk in 1984, as well as 13 since. In 2005, he founded the nonprofit One Laptop per Child, which deployed $1 billion of laptops for primary education in the developing world.

Dan Geer, Chief Information Security Officer, In-Q-Tel
Dan Geer is a cybersecurity futurist and risk management icon, best known for raising awareness of critical computer and network security issues before the risks were widely understood, and for ground-breaking work on the economics of security. Geer is the chief information security officer at In-Q-Tel, the nonprofit support arm to government agencies that helps to keep the U.S. safe.

UNITED attendees will have the opportunity to attend and participate in four targeted tracks, led by a combination of Rapid7 customers as well as Rapid7 thought leaders:

  • Monitor, ask, and respond: Explore proven and innovative approaches and technologies for monitoring operational performance, detecting malicious activity, and responding to critical events across endpoints, network, and cloud.
  • Assess and remediate: Learn the strategies and techniques needed to measure and manage network and application security risk, from identifying vulnerabilities, to prioritizing remediation and implementing changes in even the most modern environments.
  • Offensive security: Pick up technical tips and tricks from the Rapid7 team on how to take a proactive and adversarial approach to protecting your network, systems, and teams from attackers.
  • Research and collaborate: Gain insight into Rapid7's industry-leading research projects, learn how to apply findings to the enterprise, and explore the open communities that make Rapid7 security intelligence world class.

About Rapid7

Rapid7 (NASDAQ:RPD) is trusted by IT and security professionals around the world to manage risk, simplify modern IT complexity, and drive innovation. Rapid7 analytics transform today’s vast amounts of security and IT data into the answers needed to securely develop and operate sophisticated IT networks and applications. Rapid7 research, technology, and services drive vulnerability management, penetration testing, application security, incident detection and response, and log management for more than 6,300 organizations across more than 120 countries, including 39% of the Fortune 1000. To learn more about Rapid7 or join our threat research, visit tfmb.4dian8.com

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